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Liver Transplant

Have you had a liver transplant, or are you currently on the waitlist for one? Tell us about your experience.

  1. My girlfriend has been waiting for over 3/1/2 years to save her life !!!!! To find a liver donor !!!! She got hepatitis C from a blood transfusion at a hospital !!! Witch she never should have gotten !! So please help my girlfriend out before it’s to late !!!! Thank You and God Bless 🙏🙏🙏🙏

    1. I'm so sorry to hear your girlfriend has been waiting all these years. It's awful how she got hepatitis C from the hospital - did they take any responsibility for that? I wanted to share some articles we have on the liver transplant process, in case it's helpful. I'm sure you've both already done so much research and I'm really hoping she is able to get a donor as soon as possible. We also have a sibling site,, in case she would like to read experiences from others who live with the condition.

      - What to Expect When Waiting for a Liver Transplant
      - What is Living Liver Donation?

      Please keep me posted on how you both are doing! -Alexa (team member)

    2. Alexa attached 2 very helpful articles for you. From my experience being on the waiting list is the scariest part of this whole illness. It is very hard to wait! Make sure she reads the article on living donor liver donation. People who have living donor transplants do better probably because they don’t have to wait until they are sick enough to rise to the top of the deceased donor list!
      While it is very hard to ask for a living donor, it is well worth the effort. I put a request on social media and my friends reposted it. My half sister who I had not seen in 30 years responded to my post and offered to donate her liver. It was a very generous offer, but you will find that there are people that will respond to your need. They do not have to be your sister they can be anyone. They just need to be worked up by her transplant center each transplant center has different rules about the living donor, but most include a younger age, a person free of disease, and they will perform tests to make sure that the person is a good match for the recipient. The donor goes into surgery at the same time that your friend does. The doctors will remove 60% of the donor’s liver, take out your friend’s liver, and put the 60% into your friends body. In three months, both the donor and the recipient have full size functioning livers. It is an amazing organ. While it is Major surgery, my donor recovered quickly and very well. -Sue (team member)

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