Kimberly May Vanderpool

headshot of Kimberly May VanderpoolKimberly is 36 years old and lives in a small town in Iowa. She was born and raised on her parents farm and was active in 4H, FFA, and sports. In 2014, she reconnected with an old friend and sparked a romance. They have been happily married for 8 years now and have 3 wonderful children ages 16, 14, and 11. They also have 2 dogs named Zeus and Lilith and a cat named Loki. As a family they love to travel and experience new adventures!

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A few years ago, Kimberly was experiencing a lot of health problems, which resulted in months of testing and being misdiagnosed. After a long road, she was finally diagnosed with NASH. Her condition and symptoms have improved over time but she had to do a lot of research, a lot of trial and error to figure out what was helping and what did not. She is still monitored regularly by her physician but she refuses to let NASH take over her life again. Some days are worse than others, but she is determined to keep putting one foot in front of the other and trying to stay as positive as she can!

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